Established in 2022 as a DIY Handyman Service in Ajax Ontario, Canada.

Servicing Durham region and local GTA.

Listed below are the services that I can provide you cost effectively as a sole proprietor of my business.

All services are based upon quotes or estimates upon review of existing or underlying conditions. Price is subject to change based upon actual service.

  • Painting.

  • General Home inspections for Buyer or Seller.

  • Home Renovations.

  • Outdoor landscaping including lawn and garden Maintenance.

  • Deck and fence building and repair including stain and paint.

  • Garage makeover installing Shelves  cabinets, Tile or Epoxy.

  • Electrical lights and replacing fixtures and Fans.

  • Plumbing changing toilets and replacing faucets.

  • Back splash Tile , Fireplace stone. 

  • Flooring laminate or hardwood or ceramic Tile.

  • Drywall repair.

  • Window, Door and Bathroom Caulking. 

  • Air condition cleaning and washing.

  • Power washing service for windows, gutters and deck. 

  • External Foundation Concrete parging and Repair 

  • Lawn and Garden maintenance. 


  • If you have any services that you are unable to perform, I can help you.

  • Ask me for a quote or message me with your needs.

Text to :289 988 6162,    email : or go to contact page and send me a request.